The punter for the Raiders, Shane Lechler, is the best punter in the league. His longest punt of the year is an 80 yarder that he kicked against the Chicago Bears. So when he punted the ball and pinned the Lions on the 2 yard line, I knew it was over. It was no way that a young Stafford was going to drive the team 98 yards for the game winning touchdown. So many a time in Lions history has the team given up and showed no fight what so ever after something like that. After the first play of the drive when Smith dropped the screen pass I said to myself "Same Ole Lions". But something changed. Stafford got back in the huddle and rallied the team.
"I just try to be calm in the huddle, I didn't say anything special. We just played. When you're 98 yards away, on the road, with two minutes and change left and no timeouts, you've just got to execute your plays or you're going to lose. I don't think it helps to get all emotional about it'', said Matthew Stafford. This kid showed extreme poise. He made throw after throw, he just made plays. In my entire lifetime, and I'm not that old, have I seen a Lions quarterback show the command in the pocket that Stafford shows. Now I don't want to go overboard, but Stafford could actually be the franchise quarterback that we have been searching for since Bobby Lane. At times he makes it look so easy.
This team will make the playoffs. They won't when the Super Bowl, but they're a good team. Finally not the same ole Lions!
I was impressed by the fact that Stafford still had confidence in him self and his recievers leading up to "the drive". Stafford looked out of synch in the 2nd Half and Pettigrew looked like he had 10 thumbs! Nevertheless he kept his poise and marched his team down the field. Oh yeah, he was trowing to CJ in full MEGATRON BEASTMODE!!!